Skyrim Body Slots Mcm
The way I envision it, open the MCM, go to your SkyUI settings, select Hot Swap for body slots and then be able to go through your inventory and change each slot so you can have multiple layered pieces of armor/clothes/jewelry present without the dreaded disappearing mesh. Pleeeeeease make this a reality.? However despite the menu being on the mcm menu no tats show up for face OR body. Only direct racemenu tats will show when i use the showracemenu command. Can anyone help please? If you have SOS installed dont forget to mark all set parts with slot 32 (Tops and Milker) as Revealing armor in SOS mod MCM. SOSRevealing keyword will be added later. Requirements - Skyrim LE. CBBE or UUNP body Original 3ds max files of this armor set will be posted on my Patreon page. It creates a copy of 'SkinNaked' (base body) and its relevant armor-addons (with modified mesh + textures paths) and applies this base body to the player character record only. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the skin texture swap occurs when a mesh uses the skin shader and occupies the same biped slot as a base body part. SAM is a male body replacer mod for Skyrim (32-bit version) and is meant to replace SOS (Schlongs of Skyrim). It introduces a wide variety of body forms that can be assigned directly or randomly to male characters in Skyrim. This is achieved by introducing three basic body types: 'Normal' - Similar to the vanilla body.
Sorry for my english....
Little story:
One my old friend ask me to create for him new specialized armor set for MilkMod and with futa characters support. So i made this concept.
Why cow girl? Because of Milk mod He ask me for this style.
About armor

(please dont tuch futa armorparts!)
1. All meshes and textures made from scratch. For Boots model i used Pony Boots from DD as reference.
2. WARNING! This is hi poly armor (in Skyrim sense ) with 4k textures.
3. Base body - CBBE and UUNP Support

2. BodySlide support - YES
3. Futa characters support for WORKING ON IT
4. All set parts have proper G.O. and inventory models
5. Can be crafted at Smithing Forge (you will need perk Advanced Armors), tempered and enchanted.
6. Armor parameters equal to Scaled armor.
7. Build in High heels support
Current set parts:
1. Circlet - [slot 42]
2. Collar - [slot 45]
3. Gauntlets - [slot 34, 34]
4. Regular Top or Portable milking dewice [slot 32, 34, 38]
5. Regular Thongs - [slot 52] or Futa Thongs (4 variants) [slot 61]
Skyrim Body Slots Mcm 777
6. Leg straps - [slot 53]

7. Boots - [slot 37, 38]
8. Alternative milker device:
Milker base - slot 32
Milk bottle - slot 60
Soul gems power core - slot 59
Ihope you like it
If you will have any troubles with meshes clippings - just give me screenshots.
Next plans:
1. More details and set parts variations. Other colors and latex variant.
2. Portable milking device (with some animated parts i hope)

3. May be some scripted functionality and qests.
4. Milk bottle as clutter and potion
5. Some animated parts for milking device.
By Vortex.
Skyrim Body Slots Mcm Cheat
WARNING: Mod was split into two parts due to its large size: main part with esp and meshes and additional with textures. Sorry. 250 mb limit.
If you have SOS installed dont forget to mark all set parts with slot 32 (Tops and Milker) as Revealing armor in SOS mod MCM.
SOS_Revealing keyword will be added later.
- Skyrim LE.
- SOS.
- CBBE or UUNP body
Original 3ds max files of this armor set will be posted on my Patreon page.
And i will be very greatfull for any support on Patreon.
Than you all for your interest to this mod!
A few words about the permissions for this mod.
ANY modmaker from the can use the resources of this mod at his own discretion. If, of course, someone needs them XD
Just credit me. Thats all.
With my best regards to god of bikini - Nisetanaka