Word For Gambling Stake

  1. countable businessthe part of a business that you own because you have investedmoney in it
    stake in:

    They took a 40% stake in the company last year.

    a majority/minority stake (=more/less than half):

    Coca-Cola has a majority stake in the company.

    1. usually singularthe degree to which you are involved in something and want it to succeed
      have a stake in (doing) something:

      He has a huge stake in making the peaceprocesswork.

  2. countable an amount of money that you risklosing when you try to guess the result of a race or competition
    1. plural the things that you can gain or lose by taking a risk, for example in business or politics
      high stakes (=a lot that could be won or lost):

      With such highstakes, the atmosphere was tense.

      raise the stakes (=risk gaining or losing more):

      The Americans have raised the stakes in a bitterfight over imports.

  3. countable a wooden or metalpost with a pointedend that is used for supporting or marking something
    1. a thick woodenpole that someone was tied to and burnt in the past as a punishment
      be burnt at the stake:

      Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake in 1431.

  4. plural used in the names of some horseraces

    the Queen Mary Stakes at Royal Ascot

    1. used for talking about a competition or comparison that seems like a race

      Who are the maincontenders in the partyleadershipstakes?

      in the popularity/fitness/beauty etc stakes:

      They’re runningneck and neck in the popularitystakes.

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  • Inflections of 'stake' (v): (⇒ conjugate) stakes v 3rd person singular staking v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb-for example, 'a singing bird,' 'It is singing.' Staked v past verb, past simple: Past tense-for example, 'He saw the man.' Staked v past p verb, past participle: Verb form used descriptively or to form.

Gambling Stake Crossword Clue

Noun the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes. The act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance or acting recklessly: If you don't back up your data, that's gambling.

Stake Gambling Site

This is the British English definition of stake.View American English definition of stake.